ARROWHEAD IFT RANSIT Pine City Dial-A-Ride First two seats have built in child restraints $125 lride '2250 unlimited monthly pass M-F 7am -6pm SAT 9am-5pm SUN 8am-2pm Kids under 6ride free, under 13 half price 800-862-0175, option 6 1ST FRIDAY OF THE MONTH NORTH BRANCH &CAMBRIDGE BRD FRIDAY OF THE MONTH TO DULUTH 5 round trip round trip PICKUPS Sandstone 8:30 a.m. Hinckley 8:50 a.m. Pine City 9:15 a.m. North Branch Outlet 10:00 a.m Cambridge 10:30 a.m. Return from Cambridge 1 p.m. PICKUPS Pine City 7:30-8:00 a.m. Hinckley 8:25 a.m. Sandstone 8:45 a.m Miller Hill Mall 10 a.m. Return from Miller Hill Mall 2 p.m. PLEASE CALL FOR RESERVATIONS BY NOON THURSDAYS Each trip requires 5 people to go Call in 4 other reservations and you go FREE! 800-862-0175 Option 6|