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    April 10, 2019
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L This is more than great rates WELLS avings for wherever you're going. Platinum Savings Account 0 2.10 Annual Percentage Yield for 12 months with new money deposits of at least $25,000 and a minimum daily account 0 Guaranteed Fixed-Rate CD 2.40% 0 Annual Percentage Yield for an 0 11-month term with new money deposits of at least $25,0002 Talk to a banker for details Offer expires May 31, 2019. Business owner? Ask about our business savings rates. Offers available in AK, IA, ID, IL, KS, MN, MO, MT, NE, UT, WI and WY. Portfolio by Wells Fargo customers are eligible to receive an additional bonus interest rate on these accounts To quality for th offier you mst have a ne or esisting Plutm Svings account and enrol the account in this offier between 03/25/2019 an0532019.This offi subjlect to change at any time, without sotice. This ofies -aailable only to Pltinum Sivings customers in the folliwing stnes Akala ks,NN, MOMENE, UT, wt and w.lnorder to e mehe S ecali terest Rate of 208% Spe ialRatelyomastdepo4$25,00 ne ey from onesotdeofWebi pokrk NA or tsaflutesl to heen ol daags account nd n tana da y account balance of $25,000 throughout the term of this offles. The corresponding Aual Petentage ield (APY for thi offer is 210% The Special Rate wilbe applied to the ennolled savings account for a period of 12 months starting on the date the account is enrolled in the offler, Howeves, for any day during that 12 month peniod that the daily account balance is less than the $25,000 minimum, the Special Rate will not apply and the interest rate wil nevert to the standardinterest rate applicable to your Platinum Savings account.As of C/19/2019 the standand interest rate andAPY for a Puti Sa ngsa Dort n AKD,KS, MN, MO MT NE and RY tha acco rt bal ee of S001tog 99999 S 006% 0.05% A n sia OtoS49999 99 s0.15% 015%Anssa toS99999 995025% 0.25% APO ada ha aco t bal ce of $100,000 a dabove 50.35% 0.35% Amand for a Platiu Sa gs accourt nAL Tandwi ha accont balance of S001 to SA 99999 s0.05% 005% Amand with a accountbala ceofS100000 ada veso.10% 0.10%Amadh ter o ne ects the cument mnumdwiyo lected balace equ ed to obtain the applicable APY. Isterest is compounded daily and paid monthly The amount of inbenest earned is based on the daly collected balances in the account Upon the expiration of the 12 monch promotional period, standard interest rates apply Minimum to open a Platinm Savings account is $25 A monthly service fee of $12 applies in any month the account falls below a $3,500 miniu daily balance Fees may reduce earnings Interest rates are variable and subject to change without notbice Wells Fargo may lesit the amount you deposit to a Platinum Savings account toa a pegate of Sl miononer nota alable to Piate Brking orwealth customer%2 Anual Percentage Yeld APO semretive for accounts opened bet ee 25/2029toos ur20:aThe 11 m thNew DolleCDp alm esam in n esas towels Fargo tom ouces outside oWels Fargo Bunk N.A, of its afillabes to earn the advertived APY. Public Funds and Wholesale accounts are not eligble for tis oer APY assumes interest emais ondeposit unti maturity lsterest icompounded daily Payment of interest on CDs is baed on term For tem less than 12 montho 1365 day inetmay be paid monthlyqaterlysemi-anally or at maberity the end of thetm For e of 22 months or mone inbeest muy be paidmontly,quarterly, seminully or annly A fee for early withdrawal will be imposed and ouldangs n this axcount Spescial Rates are applicable to the nlof theC only Atmturity.the Special Rate CDtomtially renew for a term of 6 mones t the intet one and APYineect for COs on datenot sabject to a Special Rne unless the Bank has nooified yos otherwe ccounts muy only be opened at your local branch WellsFargo reserves the rghttomodity or discontinue the offe aaytime wilehout notice Minim new money depooit requinesmet of least s25000sfthis offe only and cannot be tranfered to another account to quality for any other conumer deposit offe f you wish to take advantage of another consumer deposit offler requiring a minimmnw money deposit. you will be required to do so with another new moneydepost as sated in the offer requirements and qualfications Offer cannot be combined with any other conumer deposit offes,except the Portfolio by Wells Fango $500 offer,avalable from Manth 25,2019 untl May 31, 2019 Offer cannot be reproduced puncharsed, sold, transfemed,or traded. 3. The Portfolio by Wels Fango program has a $30 ervice fee, which can be avoided when you have one of the folowing qualtying balances $25000 o more in qualifying linked bank deposit accounts Wels Fargo Advesold and credt balnes (nddng i0% of mortgage b ace.certan mo gagesnot elgblelf the Portfolo by Wels Fargo relatonship doortrue and evert to the S arks thentunn t ap catie rate or fee. For bons merest rates on ne accones, this chan e wil occ r por rene at f the Portfo o t welsfr a elton spis tem rated, the e mar n aninked le s Frgo Rrtfoleck r or wedsF r Pr me ec n account will be converted to anter checking product or closed 2019 Fargo Bank, N.A. All rights seeved Deosit products offered by Wells Fargo Bank, NA Membe FDIC. NMLSR ID 399801 COA FDIC-nsured IRial or $50.000or ore in any combination ofqualfying linked banking brokerage lavailable the bonus incerest rate on all eligble savings accounts, and discounts or fee waivers on other products and services, wll